Monday, September 04, 2006

Powered by Dao Sa Bao.

When I was a kid of about 7 or 8, my family often went out on weekends and shopped till about 9 30 in the evening. We would come home to a coffeeshop (that now no longer exists) and have our supper.

It must have been during one of these occasions that my parents told me this ghastly horror story:

Every night, at 10pm, the great 'Dao Sa Bao' monster rises up from the steamer to devour little children.

Uh, it's about that long.

And as proof, they showed me what the monster looked like. It looks exactly like this:

The bite marks from a freshly tasted dao sa bao resemble a monster's mouth.

What could I do? I was just a kid. I believed them.

And everytime I went to buy supper, I made sure to run like the wind. Because it was always 9 50 or something. I ran with the fear of being eaten up by the great Dao Sa Bao Monster.

Ok now. Hands up, who believes that this is a real story?

Fact or fiction?

Truth or lies?

You Decide. (TM)

William can't believe what he's reading. If I could read upside down, I won't believe it either.

Mileage today.

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