Sunday, September 24, 2006

I Walk Like A Scarecrow.

I have a theory. It is controversial. It explains why men are generally better chefs and gardeners than women.

Not because their brains are bigger. It's more like men find it easier to love things which won't love them back. Like plants, to name one. And beautiful women. Ahaha. And cars, or generally anything with wheels (and suspension) and of course, any kind of sports.

That's why their brains are bigger, to make space for all those other obsessions. Plus, those brain cells have to have *something* to do, right? Women just can't be bothered, eh?

On that note, lookit the limes my dad is growing. This plant used to feed my caterpillars Macey and Wally, but this year, Dad has expressively forbidden me to rear any more caterpillars after they nearly ate the plant out of house and home.

So this year, we're growing fruits instead of butterflies. If by "we're" I mean him exclusively, and if by 'growing' I mean bringing the plant out for a walk (no, literally) to get more sun and fresh air.

Fun fun fun.

And sadly I can't find the pics of Wally and Macey since my computer crashed last August. But I do have a video of Macey emerging from her cocoon. Yes, as she literally claws her way out. I kept an overnight virgil with the camera to catch this (lime butterflies emerge from their cocoons at about 5am.)

Drop me a note if you would like to see this honest to god hauntingly beautiful video, set to Bjork's unforgettable "Undo".

Ok here's another joke:

Which animal can jump higher than a house?

I'll tell you the answer later so that you'll keep reading. I'm crafty.

Last night, I tried instant mashed potatoes for the first time. This one has toasted garlic flavour, and they taste so good, I had 3 sachets in one sitting. (I always liked potatoes.)

Which is bad.

Each serving is 80 calories. So that's like 240 calories, or one and a half hour of running on a treadmill.

These numbers may all be wrong. After all, I don't play a fitness trainer on TV.

SO ANYWAY, today I decided I would try to ride a metric century to get all those potatoes off my body.

I didn't really have a route in mind. Or a place to go.

That's how I ended up at Changi Village.

Boy the place has changed. I stared at every girl, but none of them seemed to be transsies.

Maybe it was too early.

Anyhoo, the compass is a really useful piece of equipment. All I had to do was to note the destination I wanted to reach, and just ride in the general direction. Changi Village was North East, so I headed North East until I hit town, then just North all the way up.

At a cross junction and not sure which road to take? Take the North-heading road.

On the way back I made a wrong turn and ended up in Tampines, which I've never been to, and didn't know how to get to my original route (It involves flyovers and Expressway exits). And time was of the essence, because I had to be back in time for dinner.

No problem. Just go down all south, south west, and west heading roads, and landmarks will help you find your way home.

I am proud of my navigating skills.

I had a lot of fun zipping through Little India at 38km/h. I don't think I'll need a 46 chainring anymore. But still, it will be nice to have one.

But that coupled with my sore muscles from yesterday's 4km run, is killing my thighs. I have to use my arms to push myself off my chair now when I get up.

The last time I ached this much was when I was having athletic sex.

Total mileage from home to Changi Village, and back:

Not quite a century. But I'll do that when my legs have adjusted to this new run/cycle routine.

Anyway, any animal can jump higher than a house. *rimshot*

Because houses can't jump.

And right now, neither can I.

"I do believe it’s true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
If the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too ...

So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you’re the only song I want to hear

A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere ... "

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