Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Something Is Going To Break.

Stuff has already been broken.

This was my ride to work this morning.

Because I stripped my seat post screw last night. But Dad, being the miracle worker that he is, replaced it with a longer one and a nut that's made of steel. Dad is, I say again, awesome.

I hope it holds.

I also broke my headlight mount, which I will fix with epoxy tomorrow.

I Am Going To Die.

I am, of late, going through a great amount of dis-ease. Call it existential angst, or whatever you like. The point is ... I am feeling lousy. It's getting harder to keep the spirits up.

I got mail in the post today. This is who I used to be.

Can the urge to create be why I am writing this diary? Maybe I am just stifling myself and need an outlet, even if I don't have an audience anymore. My ex used to say I could never be happy doing anything else.

But the thing is, I've burned all my bridges. There can be no going back.

Perhaps, it's all because I'm turning 30 in a few months time.

To negate that inner anxiety, or at least to take my mind off things, I have been taking trips on my bicycle to revisit the past. This is a record of what I saw over the weekend.

That's how many kilometers I clocked.

Applied Research Corporation.

This is where I used to work, when I was in the university.

While law undergrads were driving their daddy's BMWs to school, I was riding to school everyday on my bicycle.

The bicycle was also practical because I had to buy lunch for my mother between 12 to 1. She can't walk, you see.

So I had to keep 12-1 free for lunch, and as much as I could I scheduled all my classes for 4 (yes, it's possible). And in between I was riding over to ARC to do data entry for pocket money.

It's got a new name now.

This is where I parked Moose-stang.

This is where I parked my bike in Uni.

This is West Coast Park. It's perfectly fine, except for the lack of a beach.

Nothing ever happened for me here, except that I never knew it had such a beautiful pond.

When you cycle further, you get to see the ocean.

It's the Month of Hungry Ghosts.

I hope some of mine have been fed.

I am tired now.

Of everything.

Obligatory existential angst entry, you all.

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