Saturday, August 19, 2006

Latex, Thy Will Be Done.

On July 12, I posted that

"I clocked 2000 kilometers today, 1000 since 2nd June 06, which makes it 1000 km in 40 days. Not a lot, but if I were riding across the island, I would have crossed it back and forth roughly about about 14 times."

I made 3000 kilometers today, 1000km in 38 days.

I'm going to try to make 6000 kilometers by the end of this year.

Today is the 19 August. There are 133 days left for the year.

133 days divided by an average of 40 days per 1k = 3.325k.

So I should make 6k with some to spare.

There's no reason why 10,000 kilometers a year is impossible.

After all, this guy Freddie Hoffman - rode to the Moon and back - twice.

This Used To Be My Playground:

And my brother and I used to sail our toy boats at the fountain.

Clementi is going to change forever.

I hate how everything changes.

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