Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I Have Happy Feet.

But where did I put them?

I clocked 81 kilometers today, must be a record for just one day. That's more than I did last weekend. Rode to West Coast then to 6th Avenue, then to Zion Road. Funny... I don't remember what route I took from 6th Avenue to Zion Road.

Then after dinner I rode back to West Coast, and then to National Stadium by way of park connecters at Zion Road. Came back home via Orchard Road, and had an ice cream at Ngee Ann City. Da-yum, I've not had ice-cream in YONKS.

The seat is not holding up well. I'll have to change seatpost. Bugger. Perhaps a Thomson.

In other news, I have taken up a new hobby.


Always wanted to draw a 3 panel comic strip. Will get to that in a while.

Also, I have launched a new blog.
Where's Ramly?

This is devoted to the wonderful Ramly Burger, sold only in pasar malams around Singapore. Because one never knows where the pasar malams are at, one cannot eat Ramly Burger whenever one feels like it.

In case you are slow, 'one' would be me.

Please, anyone who knows where I can find Ramly Burgers, please tell me, via the blog.

In other other news, I got hit on by a man today. Long story.

I do not know if I should be flattered or alarmed.


Anastasia said...


I *never* kena hit on by any man leh. *sob sob*

by Vincent McSquishee said...

I must say I know now what a woman must feel like.

But it's not doing wonders for my self esteem.

I should mention that he looks like Yanni.

Anastasia said...

"I must say I know now what a woman must feel like."

Wah, you say me not woman then...coz me NEVER kena hit on by man leh. :(

*sob sob*