Saturday, July 28, 2007


This is so awesome, I just had to write about it.

I'm going to my melonhead newphew's 1 month anniversary party. My brother lives in Sengkang and I'm trying to get trim again after months of binge drinking hijinks. So I opted to cycle. After all, with my new flash wheels, how can I resist?

So I am merrily spinning along, and a man in white pulls up alongside me and motions me to the side of the road.

Long and short of it (because I am too lazy to make this any more interesting) he gave me a ticket for riding my bicycle on the expressway. That made me so excited. I could hardly act rebuked. I was smiling but trying to pretend not to be gleeful. Yea, I know. I'm not really right in my head. I mean, how many cyclists get pulled to the side by the traffic police? I am awesome.

I suppose scale-wise, I could have been speeding. I think I did 48km/h at some point. But I could be wrong and that was some other part of the ride.

I liked the cop. After chatting with him a while, I realised that he was trying to knock some sense into me. He admitted he used to cycle too. (He was kind of chubby). He even gave me directions to Sengkang (after I broke down his stern demeanor) but thought I was nuts when he saw my IC and realised I was going there from Clementi. I bet he felt good that he had educated another errant wayward cyclist.

I didn't bother to point out that I could have been travelling from my gf's house.

Anyway here is the Boy.

Enjoying himself, wot? Think he's the bee's knees. :) Which he is. And the cat's meow, and pajamas. I'd love to be a month old again. That Boy can sleep like a, urm, newborn baby. (Speaking of which, after being tired all week, I shall also turn in early tonight)

He has a name now, but for convenience's sake, I shall continue to call him Melonhead. My niece said what an endearing term for him, and I have a soft spot for all my nephews, nieces, and cousins. So Melonhead it shall be.

Didn't get to tell her the Denephew suggestion though. Am sure that would have made her smile more. Incidentally she also said, babies all look alike.

So the onus is now on the Boy to be special. I like to pile on the pressure early.

Also, here's some loot. My job has some privileges, like free stuff. I rikey.

Polarised lenses! They shall be my new riding shades.

All in all, this does not bode well for my future in driving. But in motorsports racing.... HUGE fan. I'm a gentle caressing ace. A legend in my own mind. Ahaha.

Yes, take me drunk, please, I'm home.

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