Saturday, June 24, 2006

Return of the Fender Bender

Now I realise that not every cyclist is as lucky as I am. I have a qualified bike mechanic at home. His name is Dad and for a small fee, he'll even cook you dinner, wash your laundry and give you advice on relationships and life . Just your regular bike mechanic.

But don't get on his nerves.

Here he is in the Kitchen, fixing my broken fender mount.

What he's done is to reuse one of the numerous thingamajigs that's left over from one or other of our many projects for this that and what not. This metal S-shaped piece of junk was used to secure the front fenders, but we tossed it, for reasons I don't recall anymore.

A couple of holes drilled in the wooden board, a long screw sawed off to make the right length --


Now, the broken bike light mount might prove impossible to fix. I'll need to find something 'L' shaped that will clip on the back of the rack. But I am thinking of getting these lights:

so I won't really need a rear bike light mount. They run without batteries and auto-start and stop. Perfect.

Now I realise some people, especially those with thousand dollar rides, might look at my bike and think, what a piece of junk.

At the local bike shop, some guy said, toss all that junk componentry, clean up the frame and I'll buy it off you, scratches and all.

But no.

I rather enjoy the whole process of working on it, getting it to do what I need. Etc. Which is why I think I'll rather enjoy putting on the lights.

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