Monday, October 02, 2006

Leaving Las Vegas

I know who reads my blog and who doesn't.

For those who read it and know me in real life ...

Why do you still care? Is my private hell so enjoyable? You spend plenty of time ignoring me when I'm around.

I'm glad to make your day, every day. Some one is feeling shittier than you are, and for you, that must be a revelation on par with Moses parting the bloody Red Sea.

So. Happy Children's Day.

To everyone else, if you want to truly impress me, quote me something that's written by Joseph Heller, author of 'Catch-22', who also wrote that 'When I grow up, I want to be a little boy.", and prove that you understood his novel and everthing he stands for. Coz if you read it and you don't get me, you think with your asshole instead of your guts or head or heart. And good bye to you, because you are a fuckwit I can do without.

Fucker knew what he was writing.

Life's like that.

The book is available from the National Library of Singapore, and I lent my only copy to the Mauritian Mayvin, who fucking never returned it. Asshole. If ever you read my blog, Mayvin, you owe me. Big time.

I have exactly 1.1k to drink myself into oblivion, or at least, die trying.

I hate every one of you out there. So why do you keep reading?

Do you have some kind of death wish?

Like me?

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